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Live in the moment...

This weekend i spent a relaxing few days in Bude, Cornwall, where i spent a number of years as a teenager. At the time i really didn't appreciate the area or how calming and therapeutic living by the sea really was. However a long weekend walking along the beach, sitting on the downs and listening to the sea really made me see the benefits of being beside the sea. (the song "oh i do like to be beside the seaside" does spring to mind).

My initial thoughts were i want to live by the sea, shall i move back, oh life would be better here!!! but would it? its all about living in the moment.

What it made me realise is that you need to live in the current moment, and be focused on the here and now, as once it has passed you have lost it. Being mindful everyday allows you to focus more on what is important but also can clarify situations and allow decisions to be made quicker.

Sitting on the beach helped me to make a decision about my business and i had that light bub moment when i least expected it. Why? because i allowed myself time to clear my mind and let the thoughts enter quietly.

I didn't need to be sat on the beach to achieve this (although it was a lovely time), it happened because i had given myself time to relax and clear my mind of everyday worries and stresses. Of course sat in a beautiful place listening to the waves crash on the beach with the sun shining definitely helped but it was due to giving myself space.

So embrace every moment of everyday, be mindful of everything you do and every decision you make and overall enjoy each day to its fullest.

Some of you may think that its impossible not to plan for tomorrow or think about yesterday. So think about yesterday and tomorrow and ask yourself why didn't i do what i needed to do yesterday and what am i thinking about doing tomorrow that i could actually do now. What you are actually doing is wasting today.......So live for today, don't worry about yesterday as it has gone and you can not change it. Living and being mindful today will bring results and you may actually surprise yourself.

What have you got to lose NOTHING, What have you got to gain EVERYTHING.....

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